Am I mad?!
Having just completed one challenge (the A-Z Blog Challenge) only yesterday, it’s time to move on to the next! This time it’s the 15K in May challenge (#15kinmay) and I will be updating you on my progress every Wednesday during May.
Starting today, and for the rest of the month, I am aiming to take a big step towards finishing the first draft of my novel, ‘Let Sleeping Gods Lie’. As the title of the challenge suggests, the aim will be to add at least another 15,000 words to my current word count by the end of May.
With a little help from my friends . . .
Fortunately I have the inspiration and support of the other 2 founding members of 15K in May to help me towards my target. Maria of First Draft Cafe and Lynne from Lynne Lives are also taking part. We are all approaching the challenge in our own way, splitting the target in to a daily or weekly target, or focusing on editing a certain amount of pages.
I am aiming to write at least 500 words every day – which sounds very achievable, but I do have a busy day job, family and all the other stuff that likes to get in the way of finishing something!
YOU can help too!
My current word count is just shy of 62,000 and as well as the support of my fellow 15Kers, I would love your help and motivation throughout the challenge to help me get closer to 80K. I will be updating you on my progress on a weekly basis – as well as regular tweets using #15kinmay, so follow the blog, monitor the hash tag and please give me the gentle push/kick up the backside that I will inevitably need during the tougher days and weeks that lie ahead.
Join in . . .
Of course, there is nothing to stop you joining in and setting your own writing goals for May – even if they are less than 15K – so feel free to let me know what you are up to and tweet the hash tag.
You can find out more about ‘Let Sleeping Gods Lie’ in my recent WIP post, but in the meantime I would love to hear your thoughts, tips and inspiration as well as any goals you might be setting for yourself, so please comment below.
You’re a little mad, yes. But good luck with your new challenge! 🙂
Haha, have to agree with you there, Dee! Thanks for the luck – I’ll need it!
I have to admit I haven’t seen your A to Z posts, I did it too. But saw on twitter you are doing this challenge! Madness! Actually breaking it down into smaller sections seems more achievable. Just trying to do a blog everyday and work full time etc was hard enough but trying to work on a WIP too, not easy. I wish you lots of luck for your challenge. Be interesting to hear how you all get on…
Hi Kate – in between furious word sprints and seat of the pants writing, I will make sure I take a look back at your posts. We will be sure to keep you posted – my blog posts and twitter updates should help to add to my accountability and positive pressure to keep going.
Thanks a million.
Yes I’d like to hear how you all get on.. tee hee.. Just you wait.. I’ll have my own BIG reveal.. maybe.. might be tomorrow.. or later in the week.. I’ll catch up, I know I will, and it’s only day one and I’m behind.. oops!! Can you tell I didn’t have time for any meals today and a pack of ‘cakes’ with jelly and chocolate.. had to suffice for lunch.. off to eat properly and will start my own version of this challenge later in the week. Tee Hee.. good luck to us all and may we have a WIP *finishesd* soon!
ps that hair looks more like mine! and yes we’re all more than a little mad but that’s what makes the world go around, haven’t you heard?
Takes all sorts, Lynne, I have to agree. Good job – or I’m not sure what I would do.
I’m sure each of us will have our fair share of ‘impossible days’ throughout the challenge, which is why I took advantage of today’s good fortune – I already have a feeling tomorrow will be a different story! I’m sure that when you finally manage to commit pen to paper, magic will happen! Keep us posted.
15k in a month is a good, achievable goal. Good luck with meeting it.
My goal for may is to get my current draft finished. No word count goal, since I’m not completely sure how much it will take to finish, but hopefully it’s achievable.
I’ll be hanging around, cheering you on!
Hi Rinelle. To be honest, I share the same goal as you – just want to finish this first draft! But, the reality of my schedule etc dictated I choose some kind of word count goal to at least push me that little bit further and ensure I try to get something down every day. That’s the plan anyway!
I’ll let you know how it pans out. Good luck with your WIP too – keep us posted.
Do you think the book will end around at 80,000 words? Is it possible that you’ll actually put a rough or first draft to bed in May?
Hi John. In truth? No idea! I fell off my chapter plan some time ago, but it feels like my story is in its end-game which may mean I come up short on words. However, there are quite a few plot holes that need to be filled, narrative issues ironed out etc, and draft 2 will probably include some expansion in some areas.
PS – your simple word count method is working out just fine!
Sooooo what are your a-z reflections? Did you enjoy it, do well with it, learn anything from it? Working my way through the a-z linky reflection posts. Good luck with your book.
Hi Sandy – yes, I really did enjoy it. It was great to element so many great bloggers and twitter friends and I was really pleased that I found so much to talk about – really feel its breathed new life in to my blog. How about you? How did you find it?
You are braver than I am. I’m slowing down for May and working on some revisions. June is a differant story… I’m joining JuNoWriMo in hopes of completing my second book. Good luck on your 15k!Simply Sarah
Hi Sarah – revising and editing is just as important, and in many ways it’s more difficult and time consuming than writing a first draft. Great news on your Junowrimo – good luck!
Life is full of challenges. Maybe it’s better if they’re organized and we prepare for them since we know they’re coming. Thanks for being a part of the 2013 A to Z.
An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out
Hey Arlee – really appreciate you stopping by. Thanks so much for helping to make the A-Z happen – its a great idea and I will definitely sign up again next year. yes, I agree, life is all about challenges – that’s how we grow as people. Good luck with whatever you next decide to tackle.
good luck with the new challenge 🙂
Ooooh I’m in! 500 a day is do-able *nods*. Good luck to you (and me).
Great stuff! Welcome to the party, Dee! Save the hashtag #15kinmay on your twitter to keep up with the updates.