This will be a short post as I still intend to do a “Review of the Year/Looking Forward” type piece to kick off January, but yes, I feel I have neglected the Kelly’s Eye blog of late – my last real post being way back in July. July?! I blinked and now I’m staring down…
Tag: short story
Don Of The Dead Series Episode 2 – Romance is Dead
Don of The Dead – Series Overview Don is recently deceased but didn’t quite make it to the other side, so seems doomed to join the rotting ranks of the undead rubbing shoulders with the living who have now begrudgingly accepted that some people just refuse to die. Each short episode finds Don dealing with…
Flash Fiction – A Word in Your Shell-like
This week’s piece for Phoenix Writers was 200 words to include a foreign word or phrase. Here is my Evolution-inspired slice of silliness: ——————————————— A Word in Your Shell-like . . . Sitting on the stubble-like grass of the island, Darwin tried to get comfortable. He held up the completed sketch, comparing it to his…
Flash Fiction – The Bank Job
This week’s piece was 200 words around the following prompt: My Worst Job Ever. Here is what I came up with . . . ———————————- The Bank Job Big Ray’s face darkened, cheek muscles twitching with barely contained rage as he prowled the small cell the two men now occupied. Len tried once more to…
Lock 17 – Weekly Flash Fiction
The challenge that faced the Phoenix Writers this week was to write a 200 word piece that included the following elements – a barge approaching a set of locks, a bullock and a rifle. Here’s what I came up with . . . ————————— Lock 17 “Don’t worry, Kid,” said Don, squeezing the shoulder of…