If anyone has been paying attention, you will notice I am more than a week late with this post. Life and, unfortunately, Death pushed my writing to the sidelines for a while.
Sadly, my Grandad passed away on May 1st. It was sudden, unexpected and in a foreign country, which complicated things even further. He will be sorely missed.
There has been lots to deal with – both emotionally and practically – and I am only now coming up for air. It will be a while before things return to normal, but my desire to write again is resurfacing and I will be pushing myself to reboot and start again this week.
Target Review
A quick review of the targets I set two weeks ago:
1. Summarise end of Novel Number One and type THE END – COMPLETED (more on this in a future post)
2. Write 1500 on the crime story – 300 WORDS
3. I WILL sub at least one piece this week – NO SUBS
4. Edit and release this week’s Joined Up Writing episode – COMPLETED BETA READERS EPISODE
5. Complete Phoenix Writer’s challenge – NOT COMPLETE
Completing the novel – even in a very roughshod, abbreviated manner, was a big milestone that I still haven’t really had a chance to consider.
This week’s targets
I still don’t feel completely back in the game, but let’s try some light creative stretching for my first week back. This week’s targets:
1. Write 1000 words on crime story.
2. New Blog Post.
3. Record new Joined Up Writing Podcast.
Wish me luck and I hope you are all feeling productive and positive. Let me know what you’re up to and make sure you hold me to account!
Happy Writing.
Hey dude. Nice to see you ‘coming up for air’ and being as positive as you can in difficult circumstances. Let me know if you need anything that I can help with. More than happy to lend a hand if I can. 🙂
Thanks for the kind words and offer of support Leah. Be good to get back to the podcast this week.
Yep. I’ll ping you an email about that soon. x
Sad news, and you need time out to gather your thoughts and come to terms with what has happened.
Good to hear your first novel draft is done, and I look forward to reading the post on the subject. Your list for the week ahead looks doable, but don’t push yourself too hard to get there, take small steps.
Sorry about your grandad. Glad you’re able to keep writing, though.
Thanks for the kind words, Julia. Writing is always great therapy.
Sorry to hear your sad news. Its a tough one. Keep looking forward, but also look back. There are happy memories there which no one can take away. You can’t write when your head is brimming full with other things, so a little at a time. The writing will help you through, I’m sure.