It’s that time of week again. No excuses. Last week I set my writing goals for the week. Here’s a summary of what I was aiming to do – along with how I got on:
1. Write minimum of 1000 words of novel – ACHIEVED – 1200 words written.
2. Write minimum of 1000 words on my short story (working title ‘Cops and Robbers’) – WHOOPS – 600 words written.
3. Submit 2 short stories for competition or publication – ACHIEVED.
4. Record new episode of our writing podcast, Joined Up Writing with Leah Osbourne – ACHIEVED.
5. Complete Phoenix Writers challenge – ACHIEVED.
Ok – 4 out of 5 ain’t bad? If I’m honest, I’m a bit annoyed about not hitting the target on my crime story. It was a relatively low target to begin with and all I managed was 600 words.
However, let’s be positive. I made a big stride towards completing the first draft of my novel and it was fun to write.The podcast recording was squeezed in and released on schedule. I subbed another two stories and, thanks to the support of the members of the Phoenix Writers Subs Group, I have more ideas and leads to follow-up. I completed the challenge for the main critique group and also read the first section of my crime story, receiving some helpful feedback.
It has been a busy week with lots of band commitments – including two gigs and a rehearsal – and I still managed to push on with two different WIPs, record a podcast, sub my work and complete my Phoenix Writers homework. It’s a positive start to the new regime and I think both myself and fellow writer Maria Smith over at First Draft Cafe, are glad to be making plans and moving forward with our writing goals.
Speaking of goals . . . here are this week’s:
1. Write minimum of 1500 words on novel – I want to increase last week’s word count and maintain the momentum.
2. Write minimum of 1500 words on crime story – same again, but no excuses will be allowed for failure two weeks in a row!
3. Record, edit and release this week’s Joined Up Writing Podcast – due for release on Thursday.
4. Complete Phoenix Writer’s Challenge before Saturday.
5. Sub one piece of work to a competition or for publication.
What are your writing goals – long and short term? Have you tried teaming up with another writer to motivate you to achieve? Let me know what works for you? Leave your comment below or tweet me @MrKelly2u.
See you next Sunday for the next update. Happy writing and have a great week.
Hey Mr! I know I’m one to talk, but failure is a strong word and far too strong for the level of work you have achieved. Take a look at that list again.
Look at it long and hard and feel what you’ve done. That isn’t failure… that’s roaring success. A goal met part way isn’t failure but a chance to try again and slap it silly next time.
Personally, I think you’ve dived in pretty deep and pretty hard and to achieve what you have is worth a clap on the back for. Make sure you do that, eh? 🙂
Ah, that’s mighty kind of you, Leah.
I can already see my writing time dissolving this week, so those targets are looking as challenging as ever!
Well done you…a great effort for the first week. I hope you have a reward system in place? You’ve earned a few beers there I’d say… Really pleased you thundered on with the novel, and proved, it is just a case of getting your bum on the seat. How many more words till you see the finish line?
I’m sure the crime story will shape up for you this week. Have fun with all that you do, and don’t forget to take a break now and again.
Cheers Maria. Have to admit novel work has been heavy-going this week. Feels like I’m only a couple of thousand words from the end but really does feel like I’m writing gibberish!
You need a pair of roller skates with a week like that. Congrats on the progress made. Its all about the hard graft and getting it out there, so you can pour yourself a glass of Double Chocolate Stout and enjoy before getting back on the treadmill. Well played!
Thanks Keith. I can always find an excuse to try another beer!